
Han Day !

On 14th September, West Island held its first Dynasty Day of the year, with Han being the lucky chosen Dynasty. 

With everyone brilliantly dressed in their brightest red, the first ever Dynasty Bake Sale took place. 

We are thrilled to report that it was the most successful bake sale the school has ever had, with profits of over 10,000 dollars, so well done and thank you to everyone who participated and bought cakes. 
All the proceeds go to the school’s charity fund, which is then delegated by the Service Committee to all the great causes we support. Each dynasty on their day will hold their own bake sale, and throughout the year there will be a competition to see which dynasty can raise the most money. 
Well done everybody!


"Welcome to WIS" PTA Cocktail Evening - 19/9/12

On 19th September, it was our pleasure to be invited to the annual Welcome to WIS Cocktail Evening.

A truly lovely evening, we met a great number of new parents; many new to the ESF, many new to Hong Kong and all new to West Island. The evening was a showcase of all things WIS: CAS, Sport, the Community Evening School, the PTA, the Creative Arts and of course the Dynasty system.

It was a great experience for us as Head Students to interact with members of the WIS community we normally do not have the chance to. We learned a lot on the night, and look forward to the next one! Congratulations to the PTA for their brilliant organisation.

The Dynasty Captains were once again out in storm as your mascots: with Mr Biggles the Tang Stallion, Bo Bo the Ming Monkey King, Bradley Wiggins the Sung Dragon, Hannix the Han Chicken Phoenix, Purplox the Yuan Ox and of course the as yet to be named Qing Tiger.



Hello and Welcome to the West Island School Head Student Blog!

We felt that in previous years the hard work of the Head Students (Megan, Dominic, Arthur & Harriet) in representing you went unnoticed, and you weren't told about any of the major changes.  This is here to correct that, and to provide you with another avenue for student voice.

It's a simple idea that we hope will be effective; a legacy that we will leave for the next group of Head Students to continue, and for you to be part of.

Thank you!

Joe, Kim, James and Rhea XOXO



We want to improve communication at West Island. 

We want you to know what we're up to, what our goals are. 

And we want suggestions from you!

Here's a post on HOW TO COMMENT   

1) Log on to wisdom, click our Head Student Blog Banner 
2) You will be directed to our blog. 
3) If you want to comment on a particular post, scroll down to the bottom of the post and
    click 'comment'. (It currently says no comments!)       

4) It should direct you to this page below.  Write out your comment 

5) After you finish writing your comment, choose to comment using your google account.  
6) If you don't have a blogger profile already, it will direct you to this page below: 

7) Choose to create a limited blogger profile
8) Create a username! (BTW Your school email still shows)  
9) Post!

Also, if you have any questions and suggestions (or just want to rant!) please feel free to find us at lunch time (we sit on the 4th floor, in the cafeteria area) or send us an email on:



EFG: Ms Foxcroft, Michael and Joe

On Tuesday 4th September, Ms Foxcroft, Michael and I met to discuss the future of the Environmental Focus Group (EFG).

First of all we want to congratulate you all on making the EFG the second biggest extra-curricular group in school, with a total of 64 members!

We decided that once Christmas rolls around, the structure of the group will change and will involve a lot more Year 12s in senior leadership positions. We discussed how best to execute this, and what kind of person we want in the position. Applications will be read and discussed by Michael, the Head Students and Ms Foxcroft on Wednesday 12th September and those chosen will be told soon.

The EFG meets every Wednesday at lunchtime in D904.

The Open Day Assembly - Tuesday 4th September (Day 3)

My first solo assembly went pretty well, don't you think? James, Kim and Rhea ditched to go do some stupid maths test or something. Excuses, excuses....

Interviewing the new teachers was the most work intensive thing the head students had to do in the build up to this assembly. After figuring out a series of questions and organising a schedule for the teachers to come in, we filmed the segments over two lunchtimes with the help of the wonderful Tiff Stevens and Ben Peirson-Smith as film crew. A very funny process, and, after some tireless editing work by Tiff, a very funny video.

Special thanks to Tiff and Ben for filming, and Tiff in particular for enduring the editing process. And as ever thanks to Mr Clayton for being the overall assembly planner; they couldn't run at all without him.

Click here to see the final product!



Dynasty Captains!

As school gets into full swing, the new lineup of Dynasty Captains have really started to fulfill their role. Whilst working hard with Ms Lee, they have accomplished so much in such little time, like the amazing Dynasty Day Assembly a while back and the revelation of the wonderful Dynasty Mascots.

As Head Students, we have often attended their Dynasty Captain meetings, and there is no doubt that each any every Dynasty Captain has given so much of their time and effort investing in dynasty spirit! With each and every meeting that preceded the Dynasty Assembly, the videos for each dynasty were being made with quality and zest, even though there were some troubles every now and then, the result was a great success as you have seen in assembly! Han's very complex stop-motion video, Ming's inventive talk show, Qing's entertaining news show, Song's catchy song, Tang's humorous music video and Yuan's enticing story-telling! We as head students could not thank them enough for all the countless hours of work that have been put in the videos, but we could not be happier with the outcome.

Not to mention the awesome Mascots that Ms Lee and Dynasty Captains had designed and made! Special thanks goes out to the Captains in the Mascot costumes; it was really hot inside!

Hopefully we can approach the school year with a newfound dynasty spirit attained with the addition of the Han Phoenix, Ming Monkey King, Qing Tiger, Song Dragon, Tang Horse and Yuan Ox!

Thank you :D


Events Council 2012-13!

As I’m sure you’ll all agree, the fantastic shows, performances, activities and formals are only a few of the many events that can make a school year so memorable and all the more exciting. This year the Events Council, chaired by Harriet Newman and Claire Smith, have an astounding amount of creative ideas to make the events that are yet to come, special, enjoyable, and entertaining for everyone from years 7 to 13!

Just like every year, within the large committee they have been split into subgroups in charge of organizing each event. So start getting familiar with these faces, because they’re your official ‘go to’ people when you want to get involved as the events approach! (you can click on the photos to take a closer look!) Congratulations to all those selected for the Events Council once again J